Fishing Rules
- All anglers now require a membership to fish on our complex. These can be purchased for £15 per person for 24 months at reception. Residents do not require a fishing membership.
- NO keep nets
- NO Nuts, Blood worm or jokers
- NO Cat or Dog meat
- ALL nets to be disinfected at reception
- ALL day tickets to purchased at reception
- NO fishing or setting up before tickets are purchased
- NO pole fishing on Lake 2 & Parkland Lake
- Children aged 15 and under must be accompanied by an adult (please see our adult only policy)
- Take all litter, discarded line home or place in a litter bin provided
- All anglers must stay within the perimeter of the lakes and car parks
- Strictly no night fishing
- Floating baits may be used, but particular care must be taken not to hook water fowl
- Floating baits NOT to be used on Parkland
- Hemp, boilies and ground bait may be used in moderation to avoid pollution
- No spinning
- Maximum of 2 rods per person
- Tackle must be with drawn from water if unattended
- Litter in the vicinity of the anglers peg is considered your responsibility
- Please be considerate when using buzzers: please turn the sound down as noise travels
- All fish being photographed must be held over an unhooking matt at all times - photographs should be taken kneeling down under no circumstances should you be standing up
- All fish must be returned to the water alive
- Barbless hooks only any barbed hooks including micro barbs are strictly BANNED
- Do not disturb wildlife, please advise a member of staff as soon as possible should any wild life become hurt or injured, hooked or entangled with line
- No swimming
- Please treat fish and anglers with respect
- Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times, please clean up after them
- Our tearoom is closed for the first two weeks of January for annual maintenance & staff holidays. Please ask reception for current dates.