Little Extra’s
Why not treat your loved one to something a little special for their arrival, or you can make your stay unique by purchasing one of these services to make your stay as hassle and stress free as possible. *Pricing may vary slightly subject to suppliers & seasonal availability please check with reception.
Local Florist
Order Flowers Direct
Order through a local florist and they will deliver them to our reception for us to put them into your lodge ready when you arrive!
- Sophie’s Flowers – 01949 81199 – Website Link
- The Flower Basin – 01664 565918 – Website Link
- Flower Paradise – 01664 565239 – Website Link
Holistic Therapist
Price on request
Kate Henfrey is a member of the British Association of Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology (BABTAC) with over 25 years experience in the area of beauty and holistic treatments, she is also a Senior Gold Therapist @ Ragdale Hall.
As the resident therapist at Eye Kettleby Lakes, she offers treatments in the peace and calm of the beautiful surroundings created by the lakes. Gently flickering candles, and the aroma of essential oils, coupled with serene music will enhance your treatment experience, and create the perfect relaxation space. All within the privacy of your beautiful lodge.
Contact Kate Henfrey – 07922 096694 – Pre booking essential!
Website: Soul Therapy With Katie
- Body massages
- Facials
- Manciures/Pedicures